A Return to Normalcy
While we’re all experiencing a “new normal,” as I speak with clients and prospective clients, it seems that people are calmer and more optimistic about their business and the near future. For those who have survived the pandemic, as you reflect on the past year,...
Hidden Opportunities
It happens to all of us. Someone else spots something that you just didn’t see, even though it was right in front of you…and maybe had been there for quite some time. In different ways, this can happen in our personal as well as our business lives. Here’s a real...
Financial Actions That Can Damage Your Business – Part 4
As this wraps up my series on financial issues, I’d like to address RISK AVERSION. An example of this would be someone saying, “I don’t believe in taking on debt in my business. I’m too upstanding a person for that.” Of all the behaviors I’ve mentioned, risk aversion...
Financial Actions That Can Damage Your Business – Part 3
“If I need something for my people, I just buy it. It’s helping my business, so what’s the big deal?” Truth is, it may not be a big deal. But, as you can imagine, if it happens constantly, it could be a serious sign of haphazard spending, costing the company more than...
Financial Actions That Can Damage Your Business – Part 2
Money…as I speak with prospective coaching clients, it’s a subject that can’t be avoided, and typically, there’s an issue involved. In my last entry, I discussed AVOIDANCE. Now, let me discuss ABDICATION. A sign of that is when I hear a statement like, “Money? I don’t...
Financial Actions That Can Damage Your Business – Part 1
Money…managing (or not managing) it properly has roots that go way back for all of us. And it usually comes up when I speak with prospective coaching clients. Over the next few weeks, I’ll relate the things I hear and what I view as the critical money issues that can...
In the Words of Bill Gates…
His words, "Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years," parallels what I often experience with new clients as a business coach. Many business owners come to me frustrated with their current results. As we...
COVID: Triggering a Backup Plan
As a business coach, when I urge clients to do some things that may not come easy, they probably believe I am being too tough of a taskmaster. I get it! It’s no different than how I felt with some of my teachers when I was a student. Only years later did I realize...
The Magic Bank Account
No matter what your station in life, everyone is dealt the same hand, so to speak. Each day, we all have 86,400 seconds. No more, no less. How we spend the time varies dramatically. The Magic Bank Account is trending these days on social media. If you haven’t already...
A Passion for Business
So, will this be a year when you begin a new venture? If so, hopefully, I can help. To begin, you’ll need to do some deep soul-searching. Are you starting your business based on your skillset, your passion, or both? Some experts will suggest that you should start your...