(215) 651-2660 info@sjkbusiness.com

We all know the Einstein quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes.” I don’t care how successful you are, I believe that everyone is guilty of this at one time or another.

It’s human nature.  However, there are many people that continue to fall into this trap time and time again. It may be in their personal life, but from my perspective, it’s in their business life.  I see it as a coach.  It may not be all that obvious on the surface, but ultimately, as a trained prober, I am able to bring these things to the surface, often surprising my client. Part of the trick is asking ourselves the right questions, but most of us don’t.

It’s uncomfortable. That’s the benefit of working with someone independent, in confidence. I’m not saying that it’s still not uncomfortable, but as we all know, no pain, no gain.
